A trip through San Francisco Bay led to our next hiking and photo adventure at Angel Island.

Riding aboard a ferry from Oakland passing underneath the Bay Bridge and by Alcatraz Island gave us many picture opportunities from pelicans swooping by or ferry to the sailboats passing along in review the ride to the island was half the shooting fun.

I had never been to Angel Island and it was quite the experience. From the dock area and the Segway scooters whizzing by to the serene coves with sailboats docked made for beautiful views.

Hitting the trail for our climb to the top of Mount Livermore we had to dodge a group of diehard runners sharing our narrow trail as they took part in a morning race.

As we reached clearing on the trail we were rewarded with gorgeous views of the bay and surrounding communities. The Golden Gate Bridge peaked through a fog bank as we continued our climb.

With runners behind us we crested the top and took in the views on the clear day as sailboats raced in the waters around the island. The trip down the mountain was faster and led us back to the docks and our return ferry trip to Oakland.

One more trip under the Bay Bridge and a good look at the Port of Oakland and all the shipping traffic gave me one last chance for some seagoing close-ups.

The weather was great, the air clear and conditions perfect for pictures. A fun hike with la friend and lots of photo opportunities. I will have to come back and visit this island again some time.