For the first time in several years I find myself photographing football in the frosty late November nights. Tracy High and Millennium high have both advanced through the first rounds of playoffs as their gridiron seasons continue.

Friday night football playoffs mean one thing, it's going to be cold. It gets to be fun taking pictures with what feels like a block of ice in your hands. Make sure your shutter speed is high enough to stop the shiver induce blur and try to avoid the fogging the viewfinder with your icy breath.

Dressing in layers is a must and fingerless gloves come in handy to take some of the bite out of the night chill. Thankfully it hasn't rained yet as that brings on a whole new set of issues.

I don't know how far these teams will go, if they make it to the championship the game will be played in mid-December. I haven't shot football into December in a long time so it will be quite the adventure.
1 comment:
You should be happy we live in California and not someplace really cold like Michigan.
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