Friday, September 24, 2010

A hard hit

I was processing freshman football photos at home when I got the call that there was bad accident on MacArthur Drive near Schulte Road.  Saying it was bad is an understatement.  I am just amazed the driver survived the impact.

The car that once was a nice Honda Civic was traveling north on MacArthur at a pretty good speed when for some reason it veered off the road, onto the shoulder traveled across a few yards and then impaled it self on a redwood tree.  The impact sheared most of the tree down but the trunk plunged all the way to the dashboard ripping the front of the car in half trapping the driver.  The car's engine was sitting next to tree no longer attached to the car frame.

By the time I got on scene the driver had been cut free of the mangled wreck and was being loaded into the ambulance where he would be taken to a landing zoner for a waiting air ambulance.  How he lived I am not sure, I would have thought the damage to the car would have crushed him to death.

It has been a while since I have seen a car ripped up quite like this.  Even the emergency crews and police seemed amazed at the amount of damage done and the fact the driver had survived and was in fair shape considering the severity of the accident.

It is has been one of those weeks, one moment working on photos of a kid running with a football and the next moment I am running to an accident.  I can't wait for this week to end.

1 comment:

Dr. Mike McLellan said...

It has obviously been one hell of a week for you. Let's hope for no wrecks or homicides for a while.